Mental & Behavioral Health

Dillon Lindborg, the owner of three food trucks, hands a customer a bowl of food from the Avalanche Bowl Co. food truck on May 31, 2024, in Durango, Colo. Lindborg serves on the board of In The Weeds, a nonprofit focused on supporting the mental and behavioral health of restaurant and hospitality workers. Photo by Corey Robinson / Special to The Colorado Trust
Upstairs at Pine Needle Mountaineering, the topic of conversation turns to bears.
There is also chatter about preventing blisters and where to go on an overnight camping trip. The group settles on heading up the Vallecito Creek Trail, about 30 miles northeast of downtown Durango.
Finally, the discussion moves to food, which makes sense because the five people talking all work at restaurants. One person shares a recipe for blueberry oatmeal and another for green chili cheddar grits.
The camping trip and the pre-hike planning session are the work of In The Weeds, a nonprofit group that aims to build healthier lifestyles, reduce substance abuse and improve mental health among restaurant employees in Archuleta, La Plata and Montezuma counties in southwest Colorado.
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