Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that he will donate his fortune to charitable causes sparked an important conversation about the role of philanthropy in democracy.
The author of Between the World and Me does a better job than many scholars and advocates in describing the social determinants of health that affect black Americans.
Among policy wonks, the idea that medical care is just a small part of good health has gained wide acceptance. What isn’t clear is what to do about it.
A Colorado initiative to increase access among teenagers and poor women to the most effective forms of reversible birth control has had a disproportionate effect on some of the girls and women at highest risk for unplanned births, and families who are most vulnerable to negative health impacts.
It varies a lot by where you live. But basic living costs are likely to be unaffordable without help for most low-wage workers in the state, according to a new analysis.
By Ned Calonge, MD, MPH
Why a ruling for the plaintiffs in King vs. Burwell would have a significant effect on the health of Americans, and also our economy.