September 28, 2021 Kelly Pate Dwyer Health Care July 5, 2019 In Colorado, Almost All Kids Covered By Kelly Pate Dwyer The percentage of children without health insurance in Colorado dropped to 2.5 percent. How close to zero could it be? Health Care February 22, 2016 In Colorado, Almost All Kids Covered By Kelly Pate Dwyer Colorado’s uninsured rate among kids is down to 2.5 percent. How close can it get to zero? Sign up to receive our original stories by email. Email Address English / Inglés Spanish / Español html text Interest Collective Colorado Sign up Close
Health Care July 5, 2019 In Colorado, Almost All Kids Covered By Kelly Pate Dwyer The percentage of children without health insurance in Colorado dropped to 2.5 percent. How close to zero could it be?
Health Care February 22, 2016 In Colorado, Almost All Kids Covered By Kelly Pate Dwyer Colorado’s uninsured rate among kids is down to 2.5 percent. How close can it get to zero?